Who brought fishing into your life?

+3 votes
asked Aug 25, 2017 in Saltwater Fishing by yakfishnick (320 points)

5 Answers

+2 votes
answered Aug 25, 2017 by NinjaShark (3,775 points)
My mom helped teach me how to fish at a local pond, just the basics, then i had some friends that helped teach me some more... and also some trial and error lol but mostly my mom. Her family used to have a sailboat so she picked up fishing when on the boat.
+2 votes
answered Aug 25, 2017 by Boneyard (1,593 points)
My Uncle. He was an avid outdoorsman and fisherman and started taking me at a young age (5) fishing for pickerel in NJ with red and white spoons. From there, we went to saltwater and fished for flounder and, believe it or not, blowfish (which are delicious). Fun memories.
+1 vote
answered Aug 25, 2017 by RADFIN18 (176 points)

It gives you time to think ,  if you’re not with your friends? If you need to get time to think, there’s almost no better place than while fishing. It can be a powerful time for reflection and meditation. When I’m alone by a stream, my mind and body relax, and I’m free to connect ideas, follow random trains of thought, and dream.

commented Aug 25, 2017 by frontbeast (2,220 points)
My dad........ We godt one rainbow trout
+1 vote
answered Aug 25, 2017 by dwnc (1,254 points)
My Dad died when I was young but I had a friend whose dad drove 4 hours to the coast every weekend during King season on NC coast.  Whenever he could (or when he could tolerate us) he would take his son and my brother with him.  He taught me how to pier and surf fish.  He died of lung cancer years ago but I remember him every time I go fishing.
0 votes
answered Oct 18, 2017 by Cronnie40 (228 points)
Grew up in South Florida, fishing is a way of life for us..for me it's not who, but where brought fishing into my life
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