Has anyone searched for megalodon teeth in Venus, Fl?

+1 vote
asked Jun 30, 2018 in Scuba Diving by Scubachuck (1,093 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jul 16, 2018 by NinjaShark (3,775 points)
I have dove Venice a few times and found a 4.5" Meg on one of my dives. You aren't always going to find a nice big one, but you will always find something when you go (dugong rib bones, small shark teeth, etc.). Just expect visibility to be low (a good day is 6ft visibility).
commented Jul 17, 2018 by Scubachuck (1,093 points)
Thanks, I’ve wanted to go there.
+1 vote
answered Jul 11, 2018 by cquade7 (3,269 points)
I have not, but my friend has just got back from a trip in Venice and had a about 25 so I would say they are still around!
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