Has anyone used the sealife dc2000?

0 votes
asked Aug 15, 2018 in Scuba Diving by frontbeast (2,220 points)
What did or do you think about it? Good or bad. Thank you

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 21, 2018 by George1224 (5,147 points)
I like mine, especially the bluetooth capability. Take great pictures. I use a light with mine so the the colors are true.
commented Aug 21, 2018 by frontbeast (2,220 points)
Awesome... Seadragon 1500/2500? Do you do a lot of different settings. Or "just" diving? And do you find it Hard to focus on what you whant... And not getting pictures focus ing onn tiny stuff in the ocean? And moisture munchers. Any use of those yet?
commented Aug 22, 2018 by George1224 (5,147 points)
I only use mine for diving. I usually set it to video the whole dive and then edit the video to extract the pictures I like. My sealife lets me take pictures while videoing also. If I come across somthing really special I can take the pic and continue the video.
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