Ever had a close call returning to the surface with a boat?

+3 votes
asked Jul 17, 2017 in Scuba Diving by Jillian Myers (708 points)
Have you ever returned to the surface from a dive and almost get hit by another boat?

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jul 18, 2017 by NinjaShark (3,775 points)
thankfully no issues with that yet. always take some time to look up during the ascent to make sure it is clear and you can usually hear the boats coming and can try to stay down a little longer just in case you think they are coming your way.
+1 vote
answered Jul 18, 2017 by George1224 (5,147 points)
No not really unless it was with the dive boat I dove from, trying to get back on board in rolling 6 to 8 foot surf.
0 votes
answered Jul 18, 2017 by hurfish (3,024 points)
Nope, I try to be alert to the immediate area as I surface.
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