Puerto Rico is not the only diving destination that has been hurt by hurricane activity. The Virgin Islands, Florida Keys, and Turks and Caicos, to name a few, have been hurt as well. Not all of us have the luxury of dropping what we are doing in our every day life and rushing to help these people. Although I wish I could. They need supplies. If we have the opportunity to help out by sending supplies, that is great. This year has been a rough year for hurricanes and not everyone can afford to send supplies or make a donation to an organization that is providing assistance to every community that has been affected. If you can, great! They all need our help and support. I think one of the best ways divers can help out is to consider one of these locations for your next dive trip. Many people in these locations for lost everything. Their home. Their job. Their personal belongings and maybe even loved ones. The quickest way they will begin to heal is to get back to their "normal" life or as normal as it can get. Personally, I have been following many dive shops on social media from these areas for updates on how they are doing personally. How they are coming along on rebuilding. And how the locals are doing. Not to mention, how soon they might be reopening. These communities have lost a lot and the lack of tourism dollars will continue to hurt them. By choosing to spend our tourism dollars at these locations and going and seeing the devastation personally, maybe even giving them a hug and telling them it's going to be okay, maybe, just maybe, we can help give them a piece of hope and relief that they are strong and will bounce back better than ever. For a diver's point of view, I want to see those reefs and wrecks. I want to see what's different and what's changed. Did the wreck turn. Is it more upright. Has the coral been decimated. I know these may not be the glamorous dives we used to dream about while getting our open water certification, but for me it is interesting. Every dive site has a story to tell and they will continue to tell it for years to come.