What is the best way to get trained on servicing scuba gear?

+1 vote
asked Nov 26, 2017 in Scuba Diving by dnadavis (545 points)
I am interested in getting trained and /or certified in servicing varying company gear and wonder what the best way to do that is? Do they have courses? How do you get in one? DEMA?

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by Cvet (3,369 points)
selected Nov 30, 2017 by dnadavis
Best answer
You need to talk to your local dive shop and ask them to help you. If you help them then they will help you. Sometimes you can find online classes, also there are classes local by different manufacturers. There is always classes at DEMA, I don't think the classes are that expensive. You get what you pay for. The cost of tools can get high, I probably have 4 or 5 thousand tied up in special tool. Good luck
+1 vote
answered Nov 26, 2017 by frontbeast (2,220 points)
There Are courses... I think ssi have one. Other ise there Are seminars to go to. But the Cost money....
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