What is the longest time/distance you have ridden your SUP in one session?

+3 votes

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 12, 2017 by Ssgtbreijo (65 points)
I can only estimate because I did not have a GPS. Bit mine would be between 0.75 to 1.25 miles. The main reason is because my SUP is set up for fishing. It is a great tool to be higher and see where the fish are compared to a kayak. Once I see the fish, I tie to a mangrove and fish before ever traveling over where the fish are.
0 votes
answered Jul 22, 2017 by Tierrex (5 points)
4 hours mostly 2 hours at a time.
0 votes
answered Jul 24, 2017 by hurfish (3,024 points)
Hour or so , just getting started. I find it far better than kayaking. Looking to buy one soon.
0 votes
answered Sep 25, 2017 by Deanaguf (410 points)
4 miles. Slow and steady on a Sunday morning
commented Mar 20, 2018 by EddieR (100 points)
18.5 miles alone. About 6 hours w lots of breaks and a difficult portage. Was amazing!!! This year planning to paddle around Manhattan for 31 miles in a race.
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