Tips For Buying Used Scuba Gear for Beginners?

+2 votes
asked Aug 19, 2017 in Scuba Diving by frontbeast (2,220 points)
Or should beginners buy online New gear?

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 20, 2017 by hurfish (3,024 points)
Theres nothing wrong with used gear as long as it has been cared for, in good condition and a good make/model. always have it serviced and checked out by a reliable shop before use.
+1 vote
answered Aug 21, 2017 by Cvet (3,369 points)
This is kind of funny to me. I have seen where a husband talks his wife into becoming a diver. Then he gives her his old stuff and he gets new. She has a better breathing rate, she needs to have the new equipment.
+1 vote
answered Aug 21, 2017 by George1224 (5,147 points)
Used is good as long as you get it checked out and it's in good shape. I've gotten some great deals on used gear from people that got into diving and just didnt dive much and decided to sell to try and recoup some of their investment. Their market is small because not everyone dives.
commented Aug 21, 2017 by frontbeast (2,220 points)
That is wery true
0 votes
answered Jan 12, 2018 by revgramza (1,095 points)
I've purchased almost all my gear (for 3 people) used on Ebay and Craigslist.  Their are lots of folks out there who buy the very best, but then can't dive or don't dive.  The used gear I've purchased has been almost new (one dive or one dive trip).

I do get it checked out/serviced before I use it.
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