Do you pee in your wetsuit? Don't lie.

+4 votes
asked May 3, 2017 in Scuba Diving by JLHagglund (20 points)

15 Answers

+2 votes
answered May 3, 2017 by jimcbigsky (55 points)
Only when it is cold water!
+2 votes
answered May 9, 2017 by jquinones49 (25 points)
Yes. I have a large rinse tub outside and always wash my suit after every dive day... not rinse, wash.
+1 vote
answered May 3, 2017 by Pappylyle (25 points)
Yes, BUT only when necessary. ;) I try to go before but if nature calls I answer. Plus the ocean is not a swimming pool.
+1 vote
answered May 3, 2017 by Vadivergirl (35 points)
You know they say there are 2 types of divers, those that pee in their wetsuit and those that lie about it....
+1 vote
answered May 4, 2017 by alwaysdiving (780 points)
yes. then I try to rinse through my wetsuit by making a gap at the neck. I also clean it at least once a week :-[]
+1 vote
answered May 5, 2017 by scperry (25 points)
I have been diving for 25 years and only tried it once in the first 2 years of diving.  It didn't work out well, so I have never done it since!
commented May 26, 2017 by Ratfish (455 points)
Sure sure lol
+1 vote
answered May 8, 2017 by George1224 (5,147 points)
There are 2 kinds of liers in the world. Those that say they dont and those that say the never have. When you have to go you have to go. Always pee in someone else's wetsuit. Trident make a great equipment wash.
+1 vote
answered May 10, 2017 by Kenkatz (398 points)
It sometimes happens. I try to shower in my wetsuit and then give it a good rinse. After the dive trip I'll give a good cleaning with a wet suit shampoo.
+1 vote
answered May 26, 2017 by NinjaShark (3,775 points)
Of course! And anyone that says they don't is lying ;)
+1 vote
answered Aug 30, 2017 by Cvet (3,369 points)
I have two dry suits and both have pee valves. I am going to pee just a matter of when. I don't think Ive made a dive with out peeing.
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