What are the best lures and bait to use when surf fishing?

+2 votes

4 Answers

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answered Aug 1, 2017 by Piratekelli (1,003 points)
Silver spoon-

We use anything live, piggy perch, shrimp, etc..
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answered Aug 8, 2017 by dwnc (1,254 points)
I like fresh shrimp from fish market.  It is more expensive than frozen you buy at some pier and tackle shops but is much more effective.  If keeping it more than couple days, brine it. Brine makes it last longer and stay on hook better. Ask around for good fish market and ask the fish market for bait shrimp.  Some will have the lower quality (not best for cooking) lower priced and is perfect for bait.
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answered Aug 15, 2017 by yakfishnick (320 points)
My favorites for targeting striped bass and bluefish in the surf off NJ... Daiwa SP Minnow, Bucktail with Otter Tail, Tsunami Shad, and metals like Hopkins or Ava. For bait, clams early and late in the season, bunker (menhaden) anytime else.
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answered Oct 18, 2017 by Cronnie40 (228 points)
Swim baits work good for snook, but mostly use live
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