Do you always carry a knife? And where do you mount if so?

+2 votes
asked May 24, 2018 in Scuba Diving by hurfish (3,024 points)

6 Answers

+2 votes
answered May 28, 2018 by George1224 (5,147 points)
I do. I carry 2 tools. Surgical Shears and a 3 inch Titanium Blunt tip knife that attached to my BCD.Never know when your going to need a tool, Not always underwater.
+1 vote
answered May 24, 2018 by frontbeast (2,220 points)
edited May 25, 2018 by frontbeast
Not allwayes, depends on the dive site and depth and Who im diving with. But when it is Either a knife on the ankel or a small line cutter attached to the bcd.
+1 vote
answered May 25, 2018 by cquade7 (3,269 points)
I always like to carry one, just in case I need to cut some line or anything. I use the old school knife strapped to the ankle. It does not get in the way and I can grab it just fine.
+1 vote
answered May 27, 2018 by Davidb (1,816 points)
I do, and it’s not about being manly. I have a small cressi gator that attaches to my BC. If I need to get out of a tangle situation, it’s priceless.
+1 vote
answered May 27, 2018 by Cvet (3,369 points)
We have always carried a small knife attached to the inflator on the BCD. It never been a problem with getting in the way. Also after each trip I remove them and clean them and racist them with a lubricant.
+1 vote
answered Jun 3, 2018 by VADiver (940 points)

I don't carry a knife, but do always have a cutting tool or two. In recreational diving, the most common entanglement hazard you can encounter is monofilament fishing line. For cutting yourself free, or cleaning it up to avoid the hazard for other divers and marine life, surgical shears or a safety cutter are all you need (I like the eezy cut trilobite). Cheap, easy to care for, and safe to use. Less risk of accidentally cutting you, your gear or your buddy.

I keep the safety cutter attached to my low pressure inflators hose on my shoulder and shears in my BCD pocket. 

Shears and safety cutters are also easier to fly with - they can go in your carry-on luggage. Many marine parks won't allow you to carry knives, but will permit shears and safety cutters. 

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